Sunday, November 22, 2009

White hair chronicles XVII - A Grandfather?

I heard the news yesterday, oh boy! The youngest daughter of my younger brother gave birth earlier this week. That officially makes him a grandfather at 46 and my mother a lola sa tuhod at 68. That is not so shocking at all as other people became great/grandparents at an even younger age. The mild shock is that my niece is very young. She has older sisters, but the apo that would give my mother her first apo sa tuhod turned out to be her.

Still it shocks me that I am now also, technically, a grandfather. I hope the young mother and her baby are doing well. In a few years time, some tot will call me Lolo Perry. Some people have jokingly called me that before because of my white hairs. Now there will be some ring of truth in that. Wow!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Manny, Please stay good 3

Manny Pacquiao arrived to a hero's welcome in Manila. He was given yet another award by the GMA. This time he was conferred the rank of Datu, a fine addition to his plenty of datungs.

Manny and wife Jinkee kissed in front of the media after their arrival. They evaded the Krista affair issue. Jinkee said she cried during the homily because she missed their children. Anyway - Jinkee 1, Krista 0.

Friday, November 20, 2009

White hair chronicles XVI - Lose weight with emails?

The holidays always tend to add more pounds to everyone. Then by the start of the new year, among the resolutions always made is to lose weight. Early this year, I did the GM seven-day diet. I lost close to three kilos. I regained some of it but I am still lighter than last year.

Now in anticipation of holiday binges, I am trying to keep my intake down. There's a wellness website that claims people might drop more preholiday diet pounds if they tap into this simple technology: e-mail.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Manny Pacquiao - profile signatures in sig bets

In an online boxing forum that I frequently visit because of the spirited and intelligent discussion, forum members often place sig bets with one another. The agreement is that the losers must use for a month or two the profile signature provided by the winning team.

The past Pacquiao victories produced a lot of amazing photoshop works from Pac fans. Here are some that were considered or used. The latest sig bet profile from the Cotto fight is yet to be released. I'm sure it will also be very creative.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Manny, please stay good 2

Manny Pacquiao misses the point over the issue of his alleged affair with a starlet. Instead of a flat denial, he  counters with an accusation of crab mentality. He also pleads for unity in savoring his latest triumph as he makes a coy 'no comment'. That stance bolsters belief that the rumor is true.

He needs to be reminded that his success does not exempt him from moral laws. His association with bad influences lead him to believe that he can get away with anything. Some people might find cute his vain attempts to sing and act. People find novelty in that. But there is a limit. He better not venture in testing that.

Manny, use your power and influence to banish evil. Just do it.