Friday, August 28, 2009

White hair chronicles VI

My son Vito turned 13 yesterday, formally making him a teenager, and thus further making me a tatang-ager. That is double jeopardy, being a tatang and an ager, suddenly I feel doubly old. When I was 13 myself, my father was a boyish 35. He was what some would call today "papa-ble". Whatever that means, it doesn't describe me now - grandfatherish on the wrong side of 40s. In fact many think I am Vito's grandfather.

The saving grace is I don't 'feel' old at all. Sure an elbow aches, DeQuervain's syndrome acts up on my right wrist - 12 years after my left wrist was operated on for the same reason, isolated white hairs grow on places where no hair grew before, and of course, 95% of the hair is white. But I definitely feel young. I can relate to what Vito likes and he can relate to what I enjoy. It helps that retro (emo?) fashion is in. It helps that he also appreciates the music I enjoy.

But retro fashion or not, only external appearances seem old. I still have the same idealism I had in my teens. The teenage angst back then is eerily the same as Generations Jones' anxieties today. But of course! The teenagers of old comprise the Generation Jones. Furthermore we had Marcos then, we have Gloria now. Same difference really. Even if some have moved to the other side of the fence, like administration apologist Alex Magno and GMA spokesman Gary Olivar.

So, has Philippine life gone full circle?
Or, have we moved at all?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

My women's tennis album 5 - The way they wear II

I think the quality of play was better during Chris Evert's days. But generally the players then, aside from Chris Evert, did not have much sex appeal, I think. Here are some of the players of that time. In this set: Evonne Goolagong, Hana Mandlikova, Martina Navratilova, and Gabriela Sabatini.

See Also: Album 1, Album 2, Album 3, Album 4

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My women's tennis album 4 - Chris Evert

Chris Evert was my first favorite female tennis player. She is pretty good.

See Also: Album 1, Album 2, Album 3

Monday, August 24, 2009

My women's tennis album 3 - The way they wear

Whoa! It turns out interest in women's tennis is back with the US Open just around the corner. My women's tennis album has been getting quite a few page hits the past few days. A friend has commented that he never knew upskirt voyeurism is now mainstream.

But how did the women's tennis look like in the past? For the week leading to the US Open, I will be posting some retro photos of women's tennis. In this set - potential upskirt and downblouse photos, but with 90% of skin clothed.

See Also: Album 1, Album 2

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ferdie + Meldy = Glorie?

Question: What do you get when you cross the political wiles of Ferdie with the extravagance of Meldy? Answer: Glorie!

As accusations of her extravagance abroad amidst the people's squalor at home continue to pour, the nation's dissatisfaction with Gloriffic hit rock bottom. Even Imeldific enjoys better press than Gloriffic, who showed that she is wily as Ferdie in employing Machiavellian tricks. Her bypassing of the proper procedures in the handing of the Marcosian National Artist awards to Carlo Caparas and Cecille Guidote smacks of divide and rule. The lavish dinners, accomodation, large entourage, and the planned (later cancelled) purchase of a Php1.2B jet remind us of Imeldific. With only 10 months left in her term and the bureaucratic delays, she won't have the chance to use it. Is it an indication of her plan to stay beyond 2010, or is the automatic SOP too much to let go?

The people do not trust her at all. The public delights in the mass media bloopers in reporting her death instead of Pres. Cory's. It makes me wonder - could all those bloopers be deliberate? So as to enjoy additional hits in the websites or increase in circulation, in the case of the Bulletin?

An circulating email containing the two photos below, asks who is more sincere? Another email says 92 million people (vs. 1) think the dog is more sincere.

A photo of her taking the Holy Communion is mocked. People clearly do not trust her. And she's all to blame.