Saturday, July 24, 2010

White hair chronicles XVIII - queuing at senior citizen's lane and discounted jeepney fare

Two weeks ago, a cashier at Shopwise grocery store across my office asked for my Senior Citizen's ID. This sent my officemates to a laughing fit and the cashier to an embarrassed smile when told that "kasing tanda lang namin yan!"

Yesterday at breakfast, I lined up at Jollibee counter with the shortest queue. It turned out to be the senior citizen only lane. The crew didn't ask for my ID this time but served me just the same (though no discount was given). An officemate snapped the photo at left.

Jeepney drivers now also start to give me discount without being asked. I give it back saying "sobra sukli mo". Hmm, I'm beginning to see the white hair advantage.

1 comment:

  1. Many benefits should be given to a senior citizen like discount for food, items and medical purposes like what senior health care doing but that is not enough if you don't give respect to them.
