
Monday, October 18, 2010

Hopeful for Pag-asa

This space has been been a tough critic of the state-run weather bureau. We ran a series of posts calling Pag-asa hopeless. When President PNoy replaced the bureau's chief, people hoped that indeed may pag-asa pa sa Pag-asa. People wanted the new Pag-asa to succeed not only for us to receive better forecasts but also for Pnoy's first presidential acts to be proven right. After the media success of the anti wangwang-drive, many of Pnoy's succeeding directives are met with cynicism.

So what's new with Pag-asa? Aside from having a new chief, they are now issuing hourly status reports during a major weather disturbance. This is a dramatic jump from the former 6 or 12 hour reports. They also post updates in their new twitter account.

For typhoon Juan (internationally known as Megi), I noticed that Pag-asa tries to be as precise as possible. Instead of a forecast that cuts a wide swath across the archipelago, the forecast stopped short a little north of Manila. We used to have forecasts of typhoons said to affect Batanes to Bicol. And more often than not, Manila had fine weather despite (or in spite of) the projection. It's good to note that so far Pag-asa is spot-on its forecast. Congratulations, Pag-asa. Keep on the good work!

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear that one of the most important disaster bureau is progressing. I thought I would be reading some negative thoughts when I glanced at the WAGASA meaning. :)
