
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Duplicate accounts, attempts to login to my FB. WTF?

After my discovery of 18 duplicate dummy accounts of in Facebook last month, I now get emails about attempts to login to my account.

First of all, I never knew that there are many Perry Hugos in the world. God really knows what He's doing.

Some of these Perry Hugos have Facebook accounts. A number appear to be legitimate. There are European Perry Hugos (French, Italians), some are Latinos (Puerto Rico, etc). They really use FB as a social media platform. They post status updates and photos. These are also the good-looking Perry Hugos. 

But there are dummy accounts. These accounts have email addresses with numerical suffixes, almost a giveaway that they are fakes. These accounts are ashamed of their faces, they do not have profile pictures.

So, just like the many others who discovered about their dummy accounts, I reported them to Facebook.

At around the same time, I received emails that there are attempts to login to my FB. It's good that FB confirms with me new attempts to login from unusual sources. 

Who wants to hack into my account? Maybe it's time to forget about FB.