
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Floyd may not weather Manny

For all his posturings about him being the greatest, Floyd Mayweather, Jr.'s refusal to commit to fight Manny Pacquiao betrays his insecurities about losing that 0 loss record. While the whole boxing world wants to witness the fight, Floyd himself wants none of it. In news item from, Floyd said he doesn't need Pacquiao.

Despite his masterful but controversial conquest of Victor Ortiz, Floyd talked about his dominance in the past tense. "I don't need him. Where was Pacquiao in 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 when I was dominating the game? He never asked me (for a fight) when I was in my twenties or when I was in my teens." For the information of Floyd, who is now 34, in 1996 Manny fought at 113 pounds or 18 below Floyd's fighting weight then.

Floyd added that "a fighter just don't get to 25 years old and all of a sudden he becomes great," referring to Pacquaio. Maybe he just heard of Pacquiao when Pacquiao was 25 in 2004. At that point, Pac still fought at 126 and Floyd at 135. Pacquiao's star was on the rise having begun the streak against Mexicans that earned him the Mexicutioner tag. But Pacquiao's ascent to stardom actually began 2 1/2 years before when he wrested the crown from Ledwahba.

Maybe Ortiz before the headbutt made Floyd realize what pressure Pac can bring to him. Maybe Floyd suddenly felt he can be hit now. That's why he is keeping his distance. Shrewd kid.


  1. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Manny Pacquiao VS Floyd Mayweather. This will be the biggest fight of all times. and PacquiaoVsMayweather.Vegas

  2. Anonymous3:21 AM
