
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Women's tennis album - French Open 2011 part 3

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  1. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Are you suffering from poor health, poverty, lack of education and mediocrity? Are you a person who have tried all means to have a shot at that elusive star called success but failed? Are you a person who is a little bit wealthy and fortunate in life but not have possessed that greatest gift called peace of mind? Is there a way out of these pains and sufferings? The answer is a resounding YES. Let me give you some examples of people who made it. Socrates was a poor, uneducated, ordinary Greek soldier. He became Plato’s teacher and one of the greatest philosophers of all times that eve today in courts and law the Socratic Method is being used. Another ordinary soldier not even belonging to the top of his class and did not possess a royal bloodline and was even born not in France but in Corsica, a part of Italy, became emperor of France and almost conquered the whole Europe. He is Napoleon Bonaparte.Another is the man Henry Ford who was just an ordinary horse carriage market delivery boy suddenly invented the automobile making him a business magnate and tycoon. Even Prince Siddharta Gautama who lived a life of extreme wealth and opulence but suffered from lack of peace of mind and soul became enlightened, solved the riddle of existenc e and penetrated the divine mysteries and was called the Buddha. We can cite from history a lot of unknown, suffering and mediocre persons in their early lives who became achievers and masters of their destinies. People like Pharoah Thutmose III of Egypt, Alexander the Great, King Charlemagne of France, Joan of Arc, Queen Elizabeth I, King Changragupta of India, Paracelsus, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Nicholas Flamel, Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, Francis Bacon, Walt Whitman, John D. Rockefeller Jr., Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, and Deepak Chopra to name just a few. What was their secret? If you truly research and investigate their lives, you will discover that all of them have discovered the secret of harnessing the power of their mind and soul. They have accessed the ancient gnosis and wisdom of truly achieving wellness, wealth, power and auspiciousness. Let us use a quotation from a mediocre mathematician in his early life who became a world renowned scientist Albert Einstein, to understand what kind of knowledge these achievers possessed, the most beautiful and the most profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can get is from the philosopher and publisher Albert Hubbard “ An adept converses with an adept, sorrounding them is a sacred circle, those who are excluded, excluded themselves. “So we can see these achievers have gained possession pn the knowledge of how to master life created their own destiny. The father of modern psychology William James stated that almost all humans are using only less than five percent of their brain capacity and these achievers have become adepts in using more than this. If you want to learn how to fulfill your dreams in this life time and become a true achiever and an adept, we are cordially inviting you to a FREE lecture seminar on these topics on June 11, 2011, Saturday 1-5pm at Rm 104 University Hotel, UP Campus Diliman QC. Limited seating capacity only. For reservations, please call or text any of these numbers 0927 – 225- 2452, 0908 225 -2452, 0939 – 397 – 6730, 0905 – 229 – 7785.

  2. nice blog! .. dis is a very wonderful compilation. WOW! =)

  3. Hot summer day, sneer in hand, watching these talented women play ball. So nice. Thanks for post.
