
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Truly the most gullible people in the world

The is obviously a parody blog site. In its own little way it manages to give a big stinging bite. The short, light-hearted posts (it's a tumblr site, a microblog platform) merit a long thought and hit their target heavily.

One of its posts claims that a Harvard study ranks the Philippines first among the world’s most gullible races.

Now, do we really need a study to verify that? Undoubtedly not.

Proof positive that we indeed are the most gullible race is Ms. Carmen Pedrosa, a Philippine Star opinion column writer. She picked up the mosquitopress post and opined that "...we better take it seriously. ...We are gullible because we are not able or do not question information. We prefer to believe what other persons tell us."

Congrats, Hahaha.

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