
Thursday, November 11, 2010

GrandLotto 6/55 odds - 1 in 28,989,675

Lotto Game Lotto 6/42 MegaLotto 6/45 SuperLotto 6/49 Grand Lotto 6/55
Numbers in Pool
42 45 49 55
Chosen 6 6 6 6
No. of combinations 5,245,786 8,145,060 13,983,816
Amount needed to bet for all combinations P 52,457,860 P 81,450,600 P 279,676,320
P 579,793,500

The biggest jackpot prize ever in Philippine lotto will go to the Grand Lotto 6/55 bettor(s) who will conjure up the winning 6 number combination from a pool of 55 numbers. The total number of possible combinations is just under 29 million. The odds of winning are insane, but more insane odds were those of the defunct PowerLotto 5/55+1, which the Grand Lotto replaced. In the old Power Lotto, the odds are 1 in 35 million, and a ticket costs 50 pesos. The Grand Lotto tickets cost just 20 pesos. The old PowerLotto gave the least bang for the buck.

Despite the odds, expect dreamy eyed Pinoys to queue up the betting booths. Even more perplexing are the multiple winners that normally crop up in the megamillion draws. Whenever multiple winners share the top prize, many believe that Palace people, especially in the previous administration, dipped their hands into the money pool. But people don't mind and continue to dream on. After all, 20 pesos can buy a dream.

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