
Friday, August 13, 2010

Who's afraid of the truth? Who wants a monopoly of commissions?

GMA herself said she's okay with the Truth Commission but her House allies wants it voided. Who's afraid of the truth anyway? Maybe if PNoy won't call it the Truth Commission and calls it the Davide Commission instead, then GMA ass-lickers won't raise a whimper. After all, GMA created other investigative bodies during her term.

Under GMA we had the Melo, Feliciano, Mayuga and Zenarosa Commissions. The Melo Commission, formed in 2006 to investigate media killings, was headed by former SC Justice now Comelec chairman Jose Melo. The Feliciano Commission (former SC Justice Florentino Feliciano), was formed in 2003 to look into Oakwood Mutiny. The Mayuga commission (Admiral Mayuga)looked into the military involvement in the Hello, Garci scandal. Early this year GMA formed the Zeñarosa Commission (CA Justice Monina Arevalo-Zeñarosa) to disband private armies after Maguindanao massacre.

So it appears that GMA allies are not afraid of commissions at all, only if they are named Truth.

It could also be that some people think of a commission as that form of payment to an agent for services rendered. And being so used to commissions during their boss's time, they just want all the commissions just for themselves.

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