
Friday, July 30, 2010

White hair chronicles XXX - The Youth Pill: Scientists at the Brink of an Anti-Aging Revolution

David Stipp's The Youth Pill is now a hot topic. Much more so, I guess, in the health, wellness and ageing conscious age bracket of white hair chroniclers. Stipp says “Gerontologists sense that their field is finally in a position to develop medicines that truly slow aging. This book is the story of how it all happened”.

From Gilgamesh to Ponce de Leon to modern day Belo clients, man has always been on the lookout to forestall the inevitable. Stipp's book chronicles the advances made by science in the study of ageing.

Lab tests show that giving near-starvation diets to lab animals can extend their lifespans by 40% or more. In human terms, our lifespan could reach 150 years. Stipp theorizes that low-calorie diets activate genes designed to help animals endure hard times, which boost cellular repair mechanisms. Proponents of this theory are searching for drugs that can produce these effects without years of non-stop dieting. The new science gives hope to some white hair chroniclers that these advances could indeed lead to increased longevity.

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