
Friday, June 18, 2010

Congrats Lakers!

I couldn't follow the historic game 7 because I was locked in a seminar. I got text updates from friends. Many other participants were busy with their phones following the game too. At close to 12nn, the speaker, apparently noticing we were reading text messages, nonchalantly asked who won, almost in unison we said 'the Lakers'.

Anyway, congrats Lakers and Lakers fans. Now you see the value of Artest. While most players would thank their surgeons/physical therapists for fixing their bodies. Artest thanks his shrink for fixing his head. What a guy.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I watched it, real intense esp the 4th quarter. Anyway glad Lakers won.

    On a different note, is there anyway you could personally send me some of your very best upskirt, camel toe pics of chics on the tennis court? You probably have loads and im sure you have some gems hidden away somewhere, please respond. :)
