
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Why not Gibo?

While many concede that Gibo is the most intelligent among the presidential candidates, many are also quick to add that Marcos was also a very intelligent man. Marcos made intelligence a bad characteristic. But what really turns off many voters against Gibo is everyone's perception that should he win he will only protect Gloria's Interests Before Others.

His comment on criticisms against Mikey Arroyo's nomination as representative of a party-list group of security guards does not help erase the public perception one bit. He said "Is it legal or not? It's legal. Wala tayong magagawa (We can't do anything about it)."

Gloria and party has always bastardized and flouted institutions. They did it in the impeachment process, in the Chief Justice selection. Now they are doing it in the party-list elections.

So why not Gibo? Do we want six more years of Gloria?

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