
Saturday, December 5, 2009

What's wrong with these sports heroes?

They are the best in their sports. They've got the trophies and the trophy wives. But still they manage to find relations outside of marriage. Don't they get enough at home? Obviously they don't do it for the companionship or the more stimulating conversations. But the other ladies are not even hotter than their wives.

I am not much disappointed with Kobe Bryant. He has shown arrogance despite being reduced to tears in apologizing to his wife and the public on his rape case. He is arguably the best player other than MJ but he retains a bad boy, aloof persona. Besides, according to reports, the victim seem to be a willing victim.

I am a bit disappointed with Manny Pacquiao. His current controversy is just the latest from a string of controversies. He is the new face of the Filipino. He is a role model. He has it all and he wants to be a good politician? But that's an oxymoron! He must stop it and come clean.

I'm most disappointed with Tiger Woods. He is the best of all time. He is now humiliated. It turns he is deathly afraid of his wife's golf swing specially when it is directed at him.

These sports heroes should learn a lot from Mike Tyson quick or else they're gonna make their wives very happy by parting with half of their wealth.
Photos from left to right: wife of Kobe Bryant, wife of Manny Pacquiao, wife of Tiger Woods

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