
Friday, July 24, 2009

Stinking Homeland's Incredible Tales

If the US President has his annual State of the Union Address as mandated by their constitution, the Philippine President has her State of the Nation Address or SONA. President Arroyo will deliver her SONA on Monday, July 27. According to Press Secretary Remonde, she will clarify many political issues and highlight the accomplishments of her 8-year term. Remonde added that the President will discuss political reforms that will complement her planned economic reforms. Many local political pundits await if it would include a push for Charter change, or if she would bare her political ambitions.

Equally many, on the other hand will not care at all. To them the event on Monday is "SO WHAT!" or the State Of the Whole Homeland And Territories.

To those who feel bad for themselves at the way this dispensation has treated them, they want Arroyo to say   "SORRY" - State Of the Residents and Regions Yearnings.

If Arroyo remains the taray-queen, bitchy, aloof and snobbish, her speech will be "SUPLADA" - Some Updates on the Philippine Life And Direction Address.

If her speech will be full of lies and will not make sense, it is "NOT SMART" - No Other Than Snobbish Macapagal-Arroyo Represses Truth.

The speech can turn out to be self-gratuitous, wherein it will be called "SALSAL" - Speech of Arroyo: Last Sona, At Last.

But to many Filipinos the presidential speech on Monday will be just full of - Stinking Homeland's Incredible Tales - or just full of "SH*T".

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