
Monday, July 13, 2009

Barakong Obama gawks, whats next global cop?

In the G-8 summit last week, US President Barack Obama was photographed covetously ogling at the booty of a 17-year-old junior G-8 delegate. The Clintonesque stare was snapped moments before the group photo was taken.

Also shown enjoying the rear view was French President Nicolas Zarkosy who must be thinking of excuses to his MILF wife Carla Bruni about the stimulus package he saw at the conference.

But we have not seen the end of it. AbcNews reports that the gaze was really quite innocent. Barakong Obama was on a higher step and was stepping down - so he looked down to watch his footing and at the same time help a lady step down - while the girl was walking up the stairs. Butt barako Zarkosy was not cleared.

Butt wait, there's more. Barakong Barry and Zarkosy are again at it. The shy third man who is too ashamed to look is Italian President Berlusconi, himself caught in worse photo controversy. Ahh, boys will be boys!

Butt wait, there's even more. The boob tube reports that the White House has invited GMA to a one-on-one meeting. Barako's top spook, who met GMA just moments earlier before the announcement, must have confirmed to him the recent boob job. Now Barako must see for himself. Will the global cop cop a feel this time?

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