
Friday, June 5, 2009

Hopeless PAG-ASA IV

Perhaps stung and still red-faced with its way-off forecasts, PAG-ASA chose not to comment at all about the rains. The Department of Education, too, was non-committal about declaring suspension of classes early yesterday. But heavy rains the PAG-ASA was expecting last month came in full force. Forcing the DepEd to cancel classes by 12:00 noon yesterday, when half of the students were already wet and shivering.

Buoyed up by the rains, government authorities, in an attempt to become relevant, decided to push their luck and immediately declared suspension of classes at 5:00am this morning. With all the rains last Thursday, they expected Friday to be rainy as well. At last we will be right, they thought! Or so they thought. But again, PAG-ASA and DepEd authorities must be gnashing their teeth in wonder what could they have done in their past lives to deserve this, the weather did not cooperate. Except for a brief spell of gusty winds in the morning, the expected rains did not come. Instead, the clouds dissipated to make way anew for the mighty sun. As of 12:30pm today, the sun is still smugly snickering with scorn.

PAG-ASA's expected vindication did not come. It did not rain on their parade.

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