
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dengue alert, prevention, cure

Thankfully, Vito is getting better now. He had no fever the last two days. His platelets still went down but in a slower rate. Doctors ordered just one CBC yesterday, unlike the past 3 days where he was subjected to the procedure 2x a day.

He is also more energetic now. Thanks to his cousins and relatives who cheer him up and specially to his brother Popoy, their constant bickering keeps him on his toes. Thanks too, to friends who wished for his speedy recovery, and to those who sent links about dengue prevention.

Vito's main concern now is the dryness on his face and his scaly dandruffy scalp. The doctor assures him that it is not caused by the dengue. He is advised to have complete bed rest for a week. It's good that classes have been reset for a week.

I removed the water plant vases in the house. Although we frequently change the water, these are the only places where mosquitoes could have bred inside the house. There were no other dengue cases within our vicinity. And the rains had just started to come. My main suspects are the vases. They have to go.

In the news, the Dept of Health issued a dengue alert and advised the public to refrain from wearing black or dark blue clothes to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes carrying dengue virus. It seems the dengue mosquitoes are attracted by dark  colors. In one of the links, I learned that a larvicide, Abate, can be used to neutralize mosquito breeding grounds. I'm still looking where to buy the larvicide.

Elsewhere in the news are the kids of Kris Aquino who also had dengue at around the same time as Vito. They, too, are now OK.

Aside from the medical treatment, we are now supplying Vito with kamote leaves tea. This is the greenish-yellowish water where the leaves were boiled. It is supposed to increase the platelet count. Then my wife heard about Kris Aquino's cure - eating peeled and sliced apple, left exposed in the air to make them brown. If eating something that looks sick can make you well, then it's worth trying.

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