
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Not as good as advertised

My office had our annual team building today. This is my first time to join this summer event in my three years at the organization. I decided to come along because of the fun stories and happy pictures brought back by those who join. The photos of the venue, as posted in their website, were also very inviting. The pricing scheme posted in the website was snobbish (in dollars, and they were boasting of affiliate resorts in other tropical countries). A world class resort in Rizal, this I got to see. This might just as well be a good way to escape the searing summer heat if only for a day.

The mandatory games, trivial as they are, were good for their 15-seconds of laughter. After the games we went to explore the other services and amenities of the resort. The Thunderbird Resort in BInangonan, Rizal is a hotel casino overlooking Laguna de Bay.  It boasts of a private 18-hole golf course and an infinity pool, and of course casinos. Prior to coming over, organzers told us that there were some restrictions like - trunks only, no surfboard shorts for men; no sandals or shorts in the casinos. Ok, we understand. It's world-class after all.

The golf course covers a wide expanse of the hilly area. I don't play golf, and if I do, I don't think I'll be hitting  and following a ball over 7000 yards under the unforgiving sun. I didn't prepare to swim either because I didn't want to bring home wet towels and clothes. And the infinity pool turned to be very finite. The photo on their website was cleverly cropped just off the pool's edge. The majority decided not to swim either. The pool was small for all two busloads of us. It was not as good as advertised.

The rooms were spacious and comfortable enough - for a family of four. If you try to squeeze a busload, they are bound for some discomfort. So I went to the casino where two of my sandal-clad office mates charme the guard to let them in. So much for the shoes only policy. I told my officemates of my theory of malas sa sugal, suerte sa pag-ibig. They all wanted to be both. Those who lost in the slots comforted themselves that they were lucky in love anyway.

As for me I walked away with Php300. How did I do that? I went in with a Php1000.

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