
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Meeting old friends II

Facebook reconnected me with friends way back from my elementary school days. The virtual reunion on cyberspace and the photo/video sharing whet the desire to see old friends in person. It is a logistical nightmare when half of the people are abroad and the rest are scattered all over the country. So we do it in small steps. We hold mini-reunions to plot the big one.

As in my reunion with former office mates, it is uncanny to vividly remember how we all looked before and now see the changes that thirty-five plus years can do. To me, reunions are always heartwarming. We had halo-halo over halo-halong kwento. Alas, three hours of chit-chat are never enough to catch up after thirty-five years of being apart.

It was a roller-coaster ride of emotions. For a moment grieving for those who passed away, then sympathizing with romantic heartaches, then feeling good for the big winners. We truly enjoy these mini-reunions because we enjoyed our previous time together, thirty-five plus years ago. It turned out to be so enjoyable that we resolved to search for others from the batch. So this is a shout out for graduates of San Juan Elementary School-1974. Get in touch. See you soon.

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