
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A quick personal look at 2008

Vito graduated from elementary, enters high school. Vito started schooling at a very early age. By the time he was 11, he already graduated from elementary school at the Don Bosco Technical College. He is now a high school freshman also at DBTC. Tempus fugit indeed.
Popoy danced at St. John's Academy's loyalty day. Popoy did not participate in the previous year's loyalty day celebrations.We deemed he was too young then. But this year he showed keen interest in school activities, so we let him join this time. Despite the flab, he proved to be a graceful Hawaiian dancer.
Summer rites. With the transition from elementary to high school also comes one of the rites of passage in a Filipino boy's life. Vito visited a surgeon to have what Jewish people do to their boys shortly after birth. Pinoys traditionally swim at the beach to facilitate healing. But perhaps a swim at the pool will do the trick just the same.
Joy, for a brief time, was the general manager of a multipurpose cooperative (MSMP). It s a testament to her capabilities. She later gave up the post, but she's still on the board of directors.
NFA reorganization to push thru, hundreds are deemed redundant. In contrast to its efforts to curb unemployment, this government is bent on reorganizing the bureacracy in the guise of rationalizing its work force. Many employees of the NFA, Inay Joy included, are deemed redundant. As such, they are being offered retirement pay equivalent to a measly sum of 75% of basic pay for every year of service.A far cry from the princely agricultural scams, isn't it?
I attended the 2nd Central Banks' Online Communications Group conference held at Mexico City. The conference of central banks' web communications professionals discussed the common challenges faced and the solutions proposed to meet those challenges. Nice conference in a nice city. to offer webhosting domain services. I decided to sell webhosting and domain services using the name to recoup costs for the sandbox. I am finalizing the packages and the payment schemes which I patterned after the e-novention model. I will be providing two types of service from two server types; the premium packages (premium pricing) and the economy (low-cost) ones. These will be operational by 2009.

Our dear Grandpa Max, (Lolo Momoy) passed away in Virginia last December at a ripe age of 94. He was an automotive mechanic and entrepreneur, a very industrious man. He migrated to the US in the '80's and occassionally visited us. Vito has particularly fond memories of him. He will be missed.

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