
Friday, January 4, 2008

All hoping it'll be a better year.

I share the optimism of 91% of Filipinos that 2008 year will be a better year. How low can we go anyway? There’s no way but up. My personal emotional roller-coaster ride in 2007 scraped nadir right on Christmas week when I learned my name was mentioned in a contract mess. I hope the culprits will be judged guilty in the cases filed against them because that’s what they are, guilty.

For a better year, I resolve to:
  • Start pursuing my Phd
  • Work smart not hard, or better yet, work hard at working smart
  • Give more time to tutoring my sons
  • Lose the flab, and get some abs
  • Be more discerning, as somebody maybe advising me cryptically when he set my password to 'trustno1'.

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