
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Arroyo apologist refuses to see rot in GMA government

Belinda Olivares-Cunanan finds it bothersome that Rodolfo Noel “Jun” Lozada Jr. engaged in irregularities while he was an official of a government corporation, and she questions his credibility. (“Whistle-blower’s own sins,” Inquirer, 2/12/08) She’s alarmed that the religious groups backing Lozada play blind to the double standard. She says “No wonder people are so confused.”

No, Ms Cunanan, we are not confused. We are fully aware of the rampant corruption in government. The Church, for its part, doesn’t play blind. It sees the corruption as borne out in the investigation.

What’s more bothersome and alarming is the refusal of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s apologists (including a Philippine Daily Inquirer columnist) to see the corruption and the continuing efforts of this government to cover it up. The apologists are the ones guilty of double standard. The Chavit Singson exposé was not that different from Joey de Venecia’s. Lozada’s part may not be equal to that of Clarissa Ocampo’s, but it also exposes corruption at the highest level.

I hope Commission on Higher Education Chair Romulo Neri does his part and does a Clarissa. And I hope the press will also relentlessly expose corruption and not cast doubts on the ones who expose them.

appears in:
Phil. Daily Inquirer-March 20, 2008
PDI Special Features - NBN Deal